Third Newsletter December 2016
More than 400 people have already shown their support for the film „MARKETABLE PEOPLE“ with 30.300 € ! We thank you for your trust – it‘s a start! And actually a bit more: The film has been awarded a further sum of 131.000€ from the official film promotion board.
However with just one precondition: We must gather together a
sum of 110,000 € until 1 July 2017
as crowd funding support. Then the official support will be released which is then enough to fully support the making of the film!
Almost all over the world
Racism demagogy and the return to supposedly national values are in advance. Because more and more people are being pushed aside by neoliberalism which comes bearing the name freedom. These people are bringing politicians such as Donald Trump into power who plans to lower the rates for company tax from 35% to 15%, but also plan the elimination of public health services, the even more ruthless usage of oil and fracking exploitation and the faster deployment of nuclear weapons (“why do we have them?”). He will see to it that those who have been pushed aside get even poorer and live more dangerous lives. In Europe we face the danger that in two weeks in the voting for the Austrian president Trump’s political friend Norbert Hofer (FPÖ) triumphs as also in the coming year Marine le Pen (Front National) in France. They all appeal to the diffuse yearning for the so called better times in the nation states of yesteryear.
Sure some things were better
In the post war years after the 2nd world war. Due to the enormous damage that had been done during the war, industry had no problems selling things. There was much to be built up and to expand into. And due to the competition to the soviet system industry was ready to let the employees participate in the rapid recovery. The Social market economy was born. Full employment and consumption again boosted demand. However when the returns and economic growth sank, the owners of capital canceled the pact with the employees. At the latest since the nineties their position changed to deregulation, the expropriation of public property and the redistribution from the bottom to the top.
The perspectives for solidarity in society
Up until now in our films from down below have dealt with these neoliberal policies. The privatization drives for public property and the redistribution from the bottom to the top through the power of the financial markets. With the film “MARKETABLE PEOPLE” we are trying now to shine a light on to the radical changes within our society and our lives. While really rich people are getting richer the masses fight amongst each other with increasing competition for a share of the ever smaller pie. Certainly it is difficult to gather together the individuals exhausting themselves in increasing competition to one another, but the solidarity of individualized people is the only way to stop the increasing division of society. Bernie Sanders with his Utopia of a society based on solidarity would have been the more real and possibly the more successful alternative to Trump. The film “MARKETABLE PEOPLE” wishes to strengthen this real perspective against those of the Hofer, Le Pen, Orban and Petry in Europe.
In case you do not already belong to the supporters from down below, we would now like to ask you if you do not wish to support the new project “MARKETABLE PEOPLE”. Until the 1.7.2017 every contribution is worth double or triple the amount! (as mentioned above). We therefore call on you: Help to see to it that the film „Marketable People “, is created, which strengthens our solidarity, shows us and rescues us from the danger of sinking into competition with one another while the rich get richer.
Please distribute this circular and the appeal through all your channels (facebook Twitter, Websites ...)
With a donation you become a promoter of the film. From 20 € onwards you receive a copy of the DVD, with the license to show the film in a non-commercial screening.
From 100 € onwards the promoters are classified as Gold promoters. If you so wish your name will be listed in the final credits.
From 1000€ onwards the promoters are distinguished as sustainability promoters. You will be invited to the premiere of the picture as a guest of honor.
Payments should please be made to the Account: Recipient: Der marktgerechte Mensch, GLS Bank, IBAN: DE 430609672020346200, BIC: GENODEM1GLS or via PayPal